San Tech Hub

We have started SAN TECH Hub as One solution to teach the skills of invention and innovation directly, utilizing students’ natural curiosity through project-based learning opportunities. These opportunities allow students to tackle real problems in a hands-on, minds-on learning manner which encourages the development of twenty-first century skills. Unfortunately, many teachers don’t have the tools at their disposal to teach the process behind invention and innovation. They are all too often constrained by a formulaic approach to teaching and learning that doesn’t truly value trial and error, failing forward, and learning through discovery. Teacher’s today are “busy” with the work of maintaining their current classroom: meeting seat time requirements, bell schedules, and the demands of pacing guides linked to curriculum standards and high-stakes testing.

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Since SAN TECH HUB Inception , more than 459+ have joined the hub and innovate different ideas from prototype to market level .


More than 459+ Joined the
hub and Innovated different
ideas into real Life


Launch of SAN TECH HUB


SAN TECH HUB Testing phase




Introducing a concept, product, or process that was previously non-existent. This sets it apart from existing ideas.


Offer a fresh perspective or solution to a problem, addressing needs in innovative ways.

Creativity and Ingenuity

Results from creative thinking and resourceful application of existing scientific knowledge and ideas.


Inventors aim to solve specific challenges or address needs in society, industry, or daily life.


Often work with limited resources, finding innovative ways to realize their vision.

Utility and Functionality

Serve a purpose and provide tangible benefits or fulfill a need.

Potential for Impact

Successful projects have the potential to make significant contributions to society, industries, or fields.

Legal Protection

Consultancy on legally protected through patents, granting exclusive rights to the inventor for a defined period.

459+ Participants

57+ self trained

402+ student joined the Hub

8+ Innovative ideas implemented to real market

10+ Become self entrepreneur

90% Get scholarship to Universities , Masters , and other levels

245+ Get job in different institutions

27+ employed by SAN TECH

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