San Tech Susutainability

Strength of SAN TECH depends on invention and innovation technological products developments. Our daily activities depends on : Strengthening products development Education, Strengthening invention and innovation, Strengthening Digital Entrepreneurship, Strengthening Digital Economy, Strengthening Smart city & Strengthening Environmental Protection. Our core concept based on “ Making Your Ideas Happen!” By seamlessly integrating sustainability into our content marketing efforts, our businesses set themselves apart from the competition and attract our likely-minded clients.

Strengthening products development quality Education

SAN TECH create SAN TECH HUB for helping students becoming innovators after school by proving internships and trainings since from school to market approaches in innovation development.

Strengthening Digital Economy

SAN TECH develops different digital solutions from customer expectations, product enhancements, collaborative innovations, and organizational forms. This creates everyone expectations to be delivered on time and create value added to your businesses.

Strengthening invention and innovation

We do invention and Innovation technologies like Internet of Things (IoT) , Big data , Cloud computing , Artificial intelligence , blockchain and its accelerations. We start with Identifying a Need or Opportunity, Idea Generation, Concept Development, Research and Validation, Prototyping and Testing and Feedback and Iteration

Strengthening Digital Entrepreneurship

Many students in class do a project for marks rather than a solution to market competitions. Through SAN TECH , students got consultancy and career guidance of becoming an entrepreneur after class (Final year project presentation) immediately rather than seeking job.

Strengthening Smart city

SAN TECH contribute in Smart city through building paperless management systems. Our projects deployment focuses on smart economy; smart mobility; smart environment; smart people; smart living; and, smart governance. We Focus on improving capacity for research and development to promote a culture of innovation in- side government and private sector needs.

Strengthening Environmental Protection

SAN TECH developments systems are environmentally friendly in our works. Apart from awareness and coordination, ICT is used to identify measure, verify, track and evaluate data regarding environment indicators